"An Official Journal of IDA - Madras Branch" ©2019.
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Corona Virus Disease or Covid 19 as it is commonly known, stemming from the SARS Cov-2 virus infection, has now developed into a full-blown pandemic generating health concerns worldwide. Various countries have indulged in great efforts to protect people from this deadly virus. This SARS virus seems to offer extreme challenge to health professionals especially in dental field. This necessitates following of stringent safety protocols during performing dental procedures thereby avoiding contact with the virus. A literature review was done searching through the databases online such as, Pubmed, Scopus and using following MESH terms dentist, Covid 19. The challenges encountered by dentists and protocols followed while managing the patients in dental clinics in current Covid scenario forms the crux of this narrative review.
Keyword:Covid 19; Challenges; Dental Health Care Personnel; Management; Infection control protocols.

Volume No: 9, Issue No: 2